Sunday, March 27, 2011

Car Crashes and Junk

Well, last night, on my way back from a pizza delivery, I crashed my car. It's a little beat up, but drivable, and I'm fine. I took a turn and slid into a ditch. Some guy renewed my faith in humanity by helping me out then checking out the car. I was able to finish my shift and get home safely. My dad and I just fixed up the busted headlight, and hopefully everything is fine.

It was really weird though. I had my seatbelt on, and I don't really remember the car stopping. Just all of a sudden thinking why if everything so blurry? only to realize about 5 seconds later that my glasses were on the dashboard.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

pokemon fanatic

So, over the last few weeks I have clocked about 40 or 50 hours into my Pokemon games, cause I'm awesome like that. I don't even have one of the new games yet, I'm just spending my time making an awesome team for Soul Silver again, I'm training for the right nature and IVs and then some EV training, why the hell do I enjoy this so much? lol

I haven't even started playing the game yet, just running back and forth breeding Pokemon for stats, something is wrong with me.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


So, i don't really know what to think right now. I didn't end up going to the farm this weekend, due to issues and instead I hung out at karahs house till pat 10, we baked some hand made carrot cake, and I tried a sloppy joe for the first time ever (disgusting, would highly not reccomend, lol). It was fun, and the carrot cake was yummy(also my first time trying that). So I got home, talked to some people on skype for a while, then went to sleep. This morning I woke up to my mom telling me that they got in a car crash last night at the farm.

She told me everyone was alright. There had been 9 of them in a 5 person car, and they hit sand, flew off the road, and landed vertically near a stream. Besides some minor scrapes and bruises they are all fine, but I can't help but think what if I had been there? I mean, none of them had seat belts on and its only because they were all so packed together that none of them were hurt too badly. I mean there were 3 people in the fron seat for Christs sake, and if it had been any less they probably would have gone flying. If I had been there we probably would have taken a 2nd car, meaning there would only be 5 people in that car and probably just as many seat belts being used as there actually were. Idk if that means they wouldn't have crashed, or if they still would have but with more horrid consequences.

Well, that's what's been on my mind all day, but I guess we just have to be thankful that everything turned out fine, and no one was injured too seriously.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

Well, I have made up my mind and thats final, idk if its a good thing or a bad thing, but its whats whats. Unfortunately I will no longer be hanging out at my cousins farm, but oh well that just means I have a few more weekends that I can fill up with fun, right? Been having a pretty sucky week, what with arguments, everyone talking about science olympiad states, and not getting a sufficient amount of sleep. But on the plusside at least I have a job now, I do pizza delivery, but the place is almost never busy so I just get to sit around doing my hw or reading.

On a different note, I've been talking to people, and asking them opinions on my opinions due to once again being called opinionated, to which most of them responded that I was letting things get out of hand and I should probably back off. However, there were a few people who didn't say that. They told me my opinions were who I was, that I should let that dictate what I do, and what I accept. So yeah, I yelled at some people this week, and I had no right to, but at least I have security on my opinions again, and that's another thing I decided on, and the results wont be changing again.

on my current to do list:
Finish reading dune because I'm 400 pages in and I'm having trouble setting it down
Finish watching torchwood cause I haven't touched it in a while
and of course to continue watching Buffy, I enjoy it a lot more than I thought I would, I regret not listening to molly about watching it back when we were dating lol, oh well.

Oh and one decision I have yet to make is if I still want to go back to camp this year... I mean It's pay, no a lot but pay none the less, free room and bored, and I'll never really be bored. But at the same time it will be another summer barely seeing my girlfriend or any of the other friends I have left by then, and it will kinda be one of my last real chances to hang out with a lot of them. Oh well, I'll tackle that decision when Brian calls which should be in a week or two.

Monday, March 14, 2011


So, like I previously mentioned I did not get the NROTC scholarship I applied for, and thus finding money for college will be a hassle. The real problem with this was that I all of a sudden felt like I wasn't even smart enough for the Navy to want me, let alone colleges or anyone looking to hire out there. This coupled with the fact that people have always told me that I wouldn't need to worry, I could get in almost anywhere I wanted, really started to irritate me, because I couldn't even get a simple scholarship.
This past saturday I could go online at 7 and find out if I got into RPI, my first choice and the first school I would hear back from. I was hanging out with Nick till 7 then drove home to go find out, unfortunately on the ride home I had a bit of a mental breakdown. I had an existential crises, just thinking to myself "why am I here? what have I been doing for the last few years? I screwed myself over so thoroughly that I couldn't even get a scholarship, and now I get to go find out that RPI and every other school I applied to rejected me." I got home and checked the website and sure enough, I was accepted, so hopefully I can afford it and next year will be fun, but idk, I'm still pretty shaken up.

On a side note, It hit me today that I will be voting in the next presidential election, it just feels so weird, like I'm not mature enough yet, I'm nowhere near done maturing. I'm beginning to feel like adulthood really is underestimated, I'm not ready for life on my own.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ok, survey time

So, Karah just broke up with be because according to her I was unfaithful. So here I must ask a question of you all, do you think cuddling with someone is cheating?
So I was as the farm last night and me and one of my friends were upstairs when we first decided to go to sleep and we cuddled for warmth. Is that really cheating? I mean I suppose I can understand someones significant other not liking it, and if they had asked you to do no such thing before sure, you're violating their trust. But is it really that unreasonable for someone to cuddle with a friend of the opposite sex?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I don't know what to say

I got my first piece of college/scholarship mail today. It was from the United States Navy, it was telling me that I was not selected for the NROTC application. This scholarship was really my only hope of paying for any sort of college, my parents cant afford both Kristen and myself. What the hell do I do now?