Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My sisters

so, as some know and some don't, I have four sisters, and that really sucks. and as many people claim they don't know even after i told them many times I have a twin sister. Her and I always lock horns, on big things and small.

here's todays example: I was on the phone with my girlfriend on the house phone and a call came through. It was my twin sisters newest boyfriend so i gave the phone to her telling her i was on the other line and she had 3 min. of course 3 min. later she refuses to give the phone back she says call her on my cell phone, i say i have no minutes and she says so? then your bill will go up and mom will take your cell phone away and I'll laugh.

My siblings can be so annoying, at least 2 of the others have already moved out and the other one is like never home (even though she finds time to eat my cookies) I hate being the only boy :(

Finnaly Able to Post again

So, my computer sucks. My administrator account isn't working, whenever i tried to acces the internet it kept closing, and it still does. Finnaly i got the brilliant idea to go on the other account and thankfuly it is working for the time being.

Here's what i want to talk about today: ...i forgot lol, ummm lets come up with something new.

Regents week at my school: so its regents week so on tues, wed, thurs, and fri we only have to go in if we have tests. lucky me, i had tests tues, wed, and thurs. to make things worse we had a snowday today so the test i had for today is put off till friday, great. So, after my test yesterday me and my girlfriend tried to get together at my house but her mom wouldn't let her for another bs reason. later in the day her mom kicked her out of the house for no reason. Though her dad wouldn't let her leave thankfuly. This week definately is not turning out ver well.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Anime conventions, teenage drama, siblings(not mine)siblings&their boyfriends(not mine), Kingdom Hearts

So their are multiple parts to this topic and its best if i go in order i guess. Some will have direct transitions others won't so here goes:

Anime Conventions: so This weekend I went to genericon XXII, the anime convention at RPI. It was Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and at nights there was a co-ed sleepover at my girlfriends house. Friday was a lot of fun, we saw an awesome comedian called uncle Yo, Saturday was filled with drama that im not going to go into too much detail on, and today was a lot better. Obviously due to the con i was unable to post.

Teenage Drama. enough said, it is generally stupid, most of the time both parties are in the wrong somehow and it is often due to a rash decision. Thankfuly most of it was solved, however we came really close to losing friends, and i think one might be too far to fix, but the drama with her started befor the con so its no suprise that it continues after.

Siblings(not mine): so this weekend we had to deal with my girlfriends siblings who were also at the con. she has an older sister and a younger sister and they definately did not help things. Her younger sister was very good compared to normal, even if she had to tag along with us almost the entire time. Her older sister was just a bitch though, like normal. as for her older sisters boyfriend, he thinks he is really nice, but he isn't. when the youngest told her mom about him and his gf being mean and then her mom talked to them about it he spazzed out saying that he had been being nice tohim, and today he asked me for some money saying "some on, i've been being nice to you"

Kingdom Hearts: sobefore today i had never played kingdom hearts, and my friends keep "forgetting" that, aka they gasp everytime i say it just like when i say i don't like chocolate or things like that. Any way, i played it and i don't see what the big hype about it is. Yes it is a good game and it is fun, and it has awesome characters, but i just don't think it was worth all the hype, and yes i did get off the starting island so don't go saying that i wouldn't know because i haven't gotten anywhere.

anyway thats what i have to talk about. overall it could have been better, but i did have fun. hopefully things will work out.

Friday, January 23, 2009

I am losign my (con) virginity tonight

thats right, i'm losing it. My con virginity that is, i am going to my first convention, Genericon at RPI tonight, then me and a group of my friends are all staying one of our houses, then going back tomarrow, yay for the anime convention.

So after hours of planning everything is finnaly working out and we're all going to have a happy wonderful time at the anime convention untill someone starts drama in our group, and face it, we're in highschool, its going to happen.

only 3 hours left till we get there, yay. I just hope nothing too serious happens, and that tonight we will have time to straighten out the kinks in some of our friendships, and there are a lot of them right now.

I want pocky, and I just lost the game, for those who don't know what the game is, if youi think about the game you loose the game, its a simple as that, you can loose the game once every 15 minutes and you aren't allowed to quit the game, whenever you lose tyhe game you must announce that you have lost the game to everyone near you. the only ways to win the game are to be baptized in India or have the pope tell you, in perfect english, that he just lost the game, but even if you do fulfill one of these requirements you can still loose the game at a letter time, lol it never ends.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

1st post after the rules

So i don't really know what to talk about so just some random ideas:

1) my parents- so my mother has absoulutly no sense of time really she didn't pick me up today until 7:30, an hour and a half later than when i normally get picked up because she "had to reorganize her desk at work" so she called me at 6:30 telling me she was about to leave and arrived an hour later from what is a 30 minute ride. and its not like this is a onetime occurance, it happens all the time.

2) girls-so my girlfriend and i had an arguement today about the difference between a girl calling herself fat a a girl saying she is too fat. i could see no difference however she and every other of my female fiends then proceded to tell me that a girl saying she is too fat does not mean she is calling herself fat, which i still don;t comprehend. This is so confusing.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Wizards Tenth Rule

So this is my final blog on the topic of wizards rules, if you want to find out the 11th rule you can read the book Confessor by Terry Goodkind.

" Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self."
From Phantom by Terry Goodkind

very simple, very acurate. If you turn away from what you know is true to what you wish is true nothing will come of it, as a matter of fact all you are doing is hurting yourself. If you know, with out a doubt, that something is true and refuse to admit it then you are just puting off the inevitable, and slowing yourself down to reach the final destination, whatever that may be.

Thats it for this rule, so random stuff: I didn't get home till 8:30 today, i was participating in mock trial where we reenact a court trial, we won :) I don't want to start my HW, and I am extremly glad that america has progressed enough where there were no assassination attempts today.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Wixards Ninth Rule

So this is the second to last rule i can right about, even though there are 11 rules the 11th one can really be shortened down and it would suck to give it away after all it is "the rule unspoken since the beginning of time" so todays rule

"A contradiction can not exist in reality. Not in part, nor in whole. To believe in a contradiction is to abdicate your belief in the existence of the world around you and the nature of the things in it, to instead embrace any random impulse that strikes your fancy ? to imagine something is real simply because you wish it were. A thing is what it is, it is itself. There can be no contradictions.Faith is a device of self-delusion, a sleight of hand done with words and emotions founded on any irrational notion that can be dreamed up. Faith is the attempt to coerce truth to surrender to whim. In simple terms, it is trying to breath life into a lie by trying to outshine reality with the beauty of wishes. Faith is the refuge of fools, the ignorant, and the deluded, not of thinking, rational men.In reality, contradictions cannot exist. To believe in them you must abandon the most important thing you possess: your rational mind. The wager for such a bargain is your life. In such an exchange, you always lose what you have at stake."
From Chainfire by Terry Goodkind

I know, quite long and don't worry tomarrow is another short one. There isn't really much to expand on this one, its too long :( lol. All it is saying though is that nothing can contradict itself. To believe that a contradiction exists is to give in and give up. nothing else to say really, tomarrowas the last rule.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Wizard's Eighth Rule

Well this has to be my favorite rule, as you might be able to tell, the wizards eighth rule and the namesake of this blog.

"Talga Vassternich. Deserve Victory."
From Naked Empire by Terry Goodkind

short, simple, and to the point. I give everything my all and it really irks me when i see someone cheating their way through or having someone else carry them to their goal. When so few people actually try anymore whats going to happen when everyone finally does stop trying and there is no one to cheat off of anymore? yay for the destruction of the human race. anyway those people who do still work hard will eventually get their rewards...hopefully

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Wizards Seventh Rule

so, i never got around to posting yesterday, something about not getting home till 6, not getting on the comp till 11 and my internet not working lol. So, today is the seventh rule, that means that there are only 4 rules after this and i'll need to come up with something else

"Life is the future, not the past. The past can teach us, through experience, how to accomplish things in the future, comfort us with cherished memories, and provide the foundation of what has already been accomplished. But only the future holds life. To live in the past is to embrace what is dead. To live life to its fullest, each day must be created anew. As rational, thinking beings, we must use our intellect, not a blind devotion to what has come before, to make rational choices."

It is saying that we need to move on and continue changing. if we stop and only look back and only try to hold on to the past we are doomed. we can't always rely on events that happened in the past to lead us and tell us howto solve our curent problems. you need to live in tyhe now so that you can see things for what they are and so that you can solve your problems

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wizard's Sixth Rule

So this is by far my favorite book in the series. from here on the rules tend to get a little longer and less like common sense. So yeah favorite book, so i have quite a bit to say here.

"The most important rule there is, the Wizard's Sixth Rule: the only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason. The first law of reason is this: what exists, exists, what is, is and from this irreducible bedrock principle, all knowledge is built. It is the foundation from which life is embraced.
Thinking is a choice. Wishes and whims are not facts nor are they a means to discover them. Reason is our only way of grasping reality; it is our basic tool of survival. We are free to evade the effort of thinking, to reject reason, but we are not free to avoid the penalty of the abyss that we refuse to see. Faith and feelings are the darkness to reasons light. In rejecting reason, refusing to think, one embraces death."
from Faith of the Fallen by Terry Goodkind

So to those who ignore their problems good luck to you because the consequences aren't going to just go away. If you wish something would happen, it isn't just going to come about, you need to do what it takes to make it happen. A rumor passed around is no more true than a simple lie told to someone. even though many people might believe something to be true do to the ignorance of one that does not mean that it actually is true, nor will it just become true. Just because someone wants to believe someone hates them and is out to get them, it doesn't mean that they actually are. to willingly believe a lie will only hurt you, it will gain you nothing.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wizards Fifth Rule

So by this point you may have started to realize that these rules are all just common sense stuff. well this is the last rule like that, after this they become more meaningful, at least i think so. so here it is

"Mind what people do, not only what they say, for deeds will betray a lie."
From Soul of the Fire by Terry Goodkind

So yeah more common sense stuff but it is still important. Very few people can lie with their entire body, most only with their mouth. You must pay attention to what they do or its just easier to screw you over. Ummm,not much else to say about this one, nothing i can really relate it to in my life or anything.

so...what to say next? random fact: today is my three month with my girlfriend. I still have to find a time to smooth things out with the friend i talked about yesterday. so i guess i better get started on my hours of homework for tonight :(

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Wizards Fourth Rule

So, this rule actually applies to my life right now. The forth rule is another good one and it makes a lot of sense.

"The Wizard's Fourth Rule, he called it. He said that there was magic in sincere forgiveness, in the Fourth Rule. Magic to heal. In forgiveness you grant, and more so in the forgiveness you receive."
From the book Temple of the Winds by Terry Goodkind

Right now one of my "friends" is pissed off at me and i don't really know why. It has been like this for a few months now. Many people hypothesize that part of it is because he feels that i am trying to steal my girlfriend away from him, and i can see why he doesn't want to loose her as a friend. I don't want to steal her away though, i want her to stay friends with him. Now according to him there are other reasons behind it, but i really don't know why he seems to hate me so much. So I've been trying to confront him recently so that we could try to talk things over and smooth things out between us. After trying to do this for a few weeks now it finnaly seems like we're going to be able to, so i really hope this rule is true, because i don't want to lose him as a friend nor do I want my girlfriend to be hurt. heres hoping everything turns out well.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Wizards Third Rule

So, I like this topic and am going to continue with it for the next few days until it is done(mostly because i don't really have much else to talk about right now). So, this rule is very simple and short yet it is one of the most important and has much relevance to the rest of the series.

"Passion rules reason."
From the book Blood of the Fold by Terry Goodkind

People will make really stupid decisions when in love. They can get to the point where they will do whatever their love asks of them. at this point those people stop existing as their own, and just become part of their love. This is not a good thing because it will leave them sense less of what effect things will have on them, and they could care less, as long as the person they love is happy. However is the person they love falls out of love then they are completely destroyed. So passion can destroy a person but it can also be very helpful, when someone loves you it makes it so that you can help them when no one else possibly can, it lets you be there for them in a way you couldn't before.

So this is my blog for the day, i really hope i come up with something to talk about after im done with the rules.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wizard's Second Rule

So, i still don't have much to talk about so i figure i might as well continue with the wizards rules.

"The Second Rule is that the greatest harm can result from the best intentions."
This is from the book Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind

Much shorter than the first one, lol. It is sad that this is true, if you do something for someone, hopeing that it will make them happy or something, it can turn out awful. Since you are so close to someone, if you screw something up it will hurt them even more. I simple mistake can mean so much to someone, and really hurt them. heres the first example that comes to mind, If you baked someone peanutbutter cookies and they ate them and had a alergic reaction. Ok i realize that that is an aweful example, it has nothing to do with the greates harm, it would fit if the rule was just that harm can come from even the greatest intentions. anyway, this is all i have to say for today.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Wizard's First Rule

I hope no one who actually sees this page won't get turned away by the title, the wizards first rule is very important, and i hope to say something about the others rules eventually as well. Every rule is very serious and has a very important meaning.
The 1st rule is:
"People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they're afraid it might be true. Peoples' heads are full of knowledge, facts and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool."
This is from the book Wizards First Rule by Terry Goodkind.

I hate this rule because it is true, we are all stupid and we all make mistakes, and it is so easy to trick us. I know from personal experience how easy it is to be tricked into believing a lie. There are just some people in my life who i really wish would understand this, that they can be wrong sometimes even though they believe they are right

I know this post is very short but its all i can think of to say right now, if you agree or disagree or anything please say something