Well, after over a year of the exact same design I figured it was time to change some things. I like how it turned out, the design was just getting old, you know? well now designates a new start, I'm going to start posting more often, and hopefully about more interesting stuff, but for today I'm going to go have a nerdgasm.
So, Magic, aka magic:the gathering
its awesome, and i made myself a new deck, its counter-burn, and I love it, Its my 3rd deck of my own creation, and my 2nd good one, my other is my elf deck but after 4 years its pretty good and most of my friends cant beat it so it gets really boring, so I'm loving the change of pace my counter-burn provides, its so different.
I'm going to be teaching some more of my friends how to play so that should be fun, and i might be setting one of my friends up with a guy, maybe, possibly, if everything turns out all right, I know those 2 topics tend not to go well together but the guy is one of my friends who I'm going to be teaching. He used to play and have tons of rares that make me jealous, so i figure it should be a good time to help him make a deck and then actually get to play against someone besides kyle.
Well, nerdgasm over.
Im taking a mythology class right now, and its fun but a ton of work, we're doing this dance project for Heracles, who my teacher insists on calling Hercules even though we're using Greek names, its interesting, but we're going to fail because our dance sucks, maybe ill get a video up if I'm not too embarrassed by it. But im also reading the Necrinomicon, which i find to be more fun mythology than what we are doing in class, so that's probably lowering my grade, oh well, It's worth it.
And I gave blood today, my 2nd time ever, and i did the double red thing so they took twice as much as normal but seperated the plasma and put it back in me, however the downside is that it sits for a while and cools to room temperature, meaning i've been freezing since 5, but oh well, it makes me feel good about myself, and now I'm playing with the sticky arm bandage thing they gave me cause I'm cool like that :P
Well, back to work on my costume and college apps