Saturday, July 10, 2010

role model

well, i have found a new role model, someone to aspire to be like. His name was Icarus, for those who don't know he was the son of Daedalus, the master craftsman who created the labyrinth. He and his father were imprisoned on Crete, to escape, his father built two sets of wings made from feathers and wax, which they then used to fly away from the island of their exile. Before they took off, Daedalus warned Icarus to not fly too close to the sun for it would melt the wax, and not to fly too close to the sea for it would make the wings wet and make it hard to fly. Overjoyed with the feeling of flight, Icarus soared up into the sky, but he got to close to the sun which melted the wings, and he then fell to his death.

I wish i could be like him, to be able to ignore the consequences of my actions and just have fun, like everyone else seems to be able to do.

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