Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I don't want to be discriminated against

So seeing how everyone is going to find out anyway, i will say it here and now, I PUNCHED A GIRL. thats right i punched her and i had good reason. . I said she wasn't being very smart so she slaped me so i hit the back of her head, so she turned around and slapped me across the face
and I punched her in the stomache.

I don't care if you hate me for this i don't care if you are repulsed by the fact that i hit her.

I don't want to be discriminated agains because i was a guy. If i was a girl no one would have a problem with this, it happens all the time, but because i am a guy it is unspeakable for me to do this. What are the arguements? guys are stronger that girls? who gives a damn. if you believe that girls can hit guys but guys can't hit back that you are discriminating against guys, not all guys are stronger, not all girls are defenceless little things that need to be constantly protected.

One more thing, if i am being discriminated against as a man then why don't i just discriminate back, i could treat all blondes like thay are retards, i could treat all girls in general like they are defenceless little creatures that need to be protected.

You say it is immoral for a guy to hit a girl? screw you it is no more immoral then a gilr hitting a guy or another girl, or a guy hitting another guy.

Discrimination is wonderful isn't it.

I feel like there was something else important to say, or an example or something but i cant think of it so on to what i have to say next.

I don't care how bad you think it is, that gives you NO RIGHT to tell ANYONE especially my sister, ALL FUCKING THREE OF YOU HAD NO RIGHT. You have no right to tell anyone especially if you are only going to be telling them part of it because kristen was told by three different people and all three of those stories put together did not tell her what actually happened.

I thought you three knew better than that, if it was someone else sure i can understand but i thought you three weren't so stupid. thats right i called you stupid do you feel the need to slap me now? i have no problem hitting you back guy or girl

if you are going to discriminate against me then don't be pissed when i start discriminating against you .

edit: i don't anyone has read it yet anyway but for those who care i did apologize, and as far as i know she accepted it.


  1. Oh, by the way, my gaia is ofsilver. That's t, friend me!

  2. r u fucking kidding me. yes, this is the same person that commented on Ethans blog. The people in this group are fucking dispicable. It doesnt matter what the hell you believe or feel, it was a girl and you should have more respect for women then you do yourself, it is common fucking courtesy, thats probably why every one was pissed about it because when a guy hits a girl in any situation, it is moraly WRONG
    Jesus christ. So in your group there is a unstable douche who thinks everybody should love him, which he doesnt deserve, a guy who hits girls and doesnt expect anybody to be upset, a gay guy who's beliefs are stupid and fucking annoyingly hypocritical, apparantly another gay guy who falls in love with every guy he meets.

    Wow, if there is a girl reading this, I would find some other guy friends.

  3. well maybe if u werent such a no it all ALL THE TIME no one would go around randomly slapping u in the face. i hope u no u deserve it. and 1 more thing if u havnt looked around u yet. no one likes u. except 4 ur little puppet of a gf
