Monday, February 9, 2009

bad day(aka today)

so last night i went to bed 30 min late because of my apwh homework that megan said she do but didn't because i didn't clean her room, but it still wasn't done. I woke up 30 min early to try to finish it but when i got to school it still wasn't done, fun fun.

so i'd been working on it through my classes and i would have finnished it in time, however during 3rd period gym i jumped during basket ball and rolled my anckle. i hobbled to the nurses office and rested for 4th period, then my dad came and picked me up and they wheeled my out of the school in a wheel chair fun fun

so, i've been sittign around on the couch all day, i couldn't even go to the doctors because my dad is having a bad day(he has back problems) and isn't up to driving me there. I've had ice on it all day and thats not helping much. my ancle really hurts, i hope its nothing serious

oh, and now i've finnaly gotten over to a computer and i read a lovely little post from a few days ago on a "friends" blog Alexander Hale is the profile name, some of the people who im subscribed to are subscribed to him go check it out. him and i have had problems before but its getting to be too much oh and from now on just call me "sir buz killington" 

1 comment:

  1. Aw, sorry you hurt your ankle. That royally sucks. It might be a sprain. I've had a zillion of those, no joke, adn they're no fun at all. I hope you feel better.
