Monday, January 24, 2011

look out world

So, I am officially a licensed driver :) I passed my road test on my second try, and now I'm happy. And I got extra time on a math test today that I would have failed otherwise, so it was a pretty good day.

Another math test tomorrow, then thankfully I have most of the week off, just have to go back on Thursday for a physics exam. I need to find plans for the week, so far I'm going somewhere Friday night but the rest of the week is pretty much open.

As for school, it's now semester two and I couldn't be happier to be out of mythology, as fun as the subject is, a senile teacher isn't a good thing. I'm going to miss Think Tank though, it was fun and we had debates, but oh well, hopefully my pig and AP economic classes will be fun, though I need to think about what I'll do for my pig bill.

I'm going to miss 4th period lunch with molly though, I finally started getting closer to her after screwing things up last year. Hopefully she'll find someone else to sit with, and thankfully there will be quite a few people I know in 3rd period, I just hope its not too early for me.

On a book note, I finished the Temeraire books I owned last night and started dune, though its hard to transition, I hope I find the rest of the Temerarie series soon.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Monday, January 17, 2011

A poem by E.E Cummings

Humanity i love you
because you would rather black the boots of
success than enquire whose soul dangles from his
watch-chain which would be embarrassing for both

parties and because you
unflinchingly applaud all
songs containing the words country home and
mother when sung at the old howard

Humanity i love you because
when you're hard up you pawn your
intelligence to buy a drink and when
you're flush pride keeps

you from the pawn shops and
because you are continually committing
nuisances but more
especially in your own house

Humanity i love you because you
are perpetually putting the secret of
life in your pants and forgetting
it's there and sitting down

on it
and because you are
forever making poems in the lap
of death Humanity

i hate you

Well, I like it, thats really all I have to say. His view of the world and mine seem to sync up .

Friday, January 14, 2011

My Wife

So, I went on omegle for the first time yesterday, well the first real time, I've been on for like 1 or 2 minutes before. And amid the penises and the surprisingly large number of female flashers I actually had 3 good conversation. One of which is a person I'm now married to lol. We talked for over an hour on omegle and since then we've been talking on facebook and whatnot. Is that weird? lol.
Karah got mad at me for posting something on this girls facebook wall about how she is my wife and we are happily in love. but it was really entertaining.

So 3 day weekend and so far I plan on going to winterfest, that's about it. wooh. I need to find friends who I can actually hang out with

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Character Allignment

So, for those who have played D and D and for those who havn't I am discussing character alignment today. So a brief description: This is the basics of who your character is, the codes they follow, and who they associate with. there are nine different alignments good, neutral, and evil along one axis, and lawful, neutral, and chaotic along the other. Your character is any two of these and they are explained by many pictures like this: Batman Alignment Sheet though their true traits are hard to narrow down you get a pretty good idea of who someone is through their alignment.

Now in RPGs this works out great because often their main purpose is about the struggle between good and evil and whatnot, however when applied to real people it is less successful. People tend to associate with one more however its hard to fit perfectly into one of these categories. No one is the perfect goodie two shoes lawful good because of when good and law conflict, and its very hard to be true neutral on every subject.

Anyway, I bring this up because I want to talk about my own alignment. I have determined that I'm Lawful Neutral, meaning (according to wiki) A Lawful Neutral character typically believes strongly in Lawful concepts such as honor, order, rules and tradition, and often follows a personal code. Basically I follow the laws, not caring much if they are well reasoned or not. I feel anarchy is a poor option and there must be some sort of leader in any situation. Now, I tend to try to be the best person I can be in Good vs Evil however it is much less important to me than what is lawful. I know this may sound weird to some people but it makes perfect sense for me. It means I can do whatever I see as best for me instead of for the better cause as long as it isn't illegal. However it also means I dont go about trying to bend the rules to the best or worst cause.

I bring this up because I may or may not have been a assistant in the theft of a wet floor sign today, lol. Its really no big deal being a hunk of plastic that I'm sure the school has 50 more of but I still wasn't very happy about doing it, and ended up just sneaking it out to help my friends who couldn't hide it.

So what alignment do you think you are?

On a somewhat yet not entirely different note I have a question that I really cant contemplate an answer to. Why do some people have a problem with smoking but not drinking? especially on an under age level. Both are very harmful to your health, and both are also harmful to the people around you. I mean I can understand someone who doesn't have a problem with either, and I understand people like me who dislike both, I just don't get people who Hate one while participating in the other, can anyone explain this to me? thats all

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


So I'm thinking that tomorrow I'm gonna try rocking a pony tail? what do you think? lol

So, super stressful week, after school till 4 or later every day, huge paper due soon, science olympiad competition on Saturday, etc. Gonna be fun, if I don't die from sleep deprivation that is.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The New Year

Ok, so I cry more than is commonly accepted for anyone of the male gender, this isn't news to me, but at this time of the year I find it particularly easy. A new year is starting, but I must think back on last year, all the opportunities I missed or messed up, everything I did wrong and that I'll never get a chance to try again. I saw a video on someones facebook about the world in 2010, what happened and now whats next. I find it hard not to cry. I mean, we're all one year closer to death, everything that we made such a big deal about last year will soon be forgotten and the human race moves on. In a few hundred years even our superstars wont be remembered.

I find it easy to draw a parallel to doctor who, when David Tennant was replaced with Matt Smith. He had fought to keep his life and now he was dieing again. His last lines were "I don't want to go" In the end we all must go, but I think about that statement personifying the year, It must leave no matter what, and sure the next one will be the same thing, just as each doctor is still the same being, but its still completely different, The doctor is a different man with different looks and different personalities, the year will have its own challenges and joys, but when it comes right down to it we can never go back. The world is changed and we will move on.

This year or that year, it doesn't make a difference, because no matter what it will have been forgotten in the end.