Ok, well i did some thinking today and I am going to post my 12 majestic lies, and I dare some of you out there to post some of your own. Here i will posts truths to my lies.
This idea came from a blink 182 song while i was on a bus on the way home, Aliens exist, anyway so here they are, my 12 Majestic lies
1.Technically i have only had one girlfriend i did not cheat on, doesnt sound as bad when you find out I have only had 3 girlfriends but it is still bad, in one case it was a kiss, in another i did some rps with someone without thinking enough to say no.
2. I fear that I am gay or bi almost as much as other people seam to think i am, i just never admitted my fear because then no one would have any doubt left.
3.I say it doesnt hurt me because if i said it did it would just happen more, but it hurts, every time someone laughs at me or pulls a prank on me it hurts because there is nowhere i can put my grief besides inside
4. I hate most of my friends, most of them hate me too so its all good
5. I actually do have a problem with hitting women, i say i don't because i will if they deserve it and no one else will, because in my opiniuon its better to be awful than to be a hypocrite.
6. I actually dont think the beatles are that bad, i just think that they dont deserve the amount of fame they got, there songs wern't great but they wernt awful either.
7.I hate standing out, i just am unable to act like the rest of society.
8.I actually do care that people like morgan and caitlyn(sp) hate me.
9.I actually do think WoW is more important than my social life
10.My only reason for not knowing if i want to go to Duke for college or not is Taylor and Tyler, they are they only people i really think i would miss
11. I dont think i have a good singing voice, i just like annoying people with my singing
12. Whenever my friends aren't around i dont really care about my cats, they are just there and often in the way, nothing fun and exciting.
I coulnt really think of anything for a while, probably took me 30 min to come up with the 12. wow