stories of my life which i mess up way too often, and of all the good stuff like magic, reading, and video games
Saturday, June 27, 2009
things, stuff, and no Wow
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Blub Blub
my twin-blub blub blub
me-blub blub blub blub
my twin-blub blub blub blub blub
my twin-blub
that was an actual conversation i have had with her in the last week, lol, and if she finds out i posted that she will probably get pissed off.
Happy fathers day everyone, i forgot today was fathersday till i read ppls blogs and now i'm wondering if i can/should still have someone over today.
My birthday is in 8 days on the 29th, my party is on the 25th. Kristen and i are supposed to have no more than thirty-two people, kristen and i invited a total of thirty-five. when we made the list there were only 32 but later kristen added more without telling mom, and nobody has said no they can't come yet.
we have to go to chirch soon, so i should finnish this up fast.
So we have the pool, the hot tub, the trampoline(sp) and i'm probably gonna set up the volley ball net, plus we are having a bonfire. but i still feel like people are going to get bored and i don't know what to do. any ideas?
i have been addicted to mobsters and bloodlines, on facebook and myspace respectively, recently and WoW. WoW is very addictng. i was up till 1:30 this morning, questing.
i get to start camp on the 28th, and then i'll be able to play magic all the time, yay
well i guess thats it, adios peoples
Sunday, June 14, 2009
things, stuff, and Wow
Friday, June 5, 2009
home, with no one to talk to, nothing to do
just a forewarning, i am not in a great mood and this will most likely just be a rant on what is wrong with my life right now and everything that is adding up
if you don't want to deal with it don't read on, you are highschoolers you don't need more drama on your plate i just need to say things even if its only to myself.
to start off with the lightest topic at hand A-prom, for anyone who doesn't know it is a prom for gay people, and anyone else who wants to go. It is today, right now, most of my friends my twin sister my girlfriend and my best friend are all there, i need to be somewhere at 9am tomarrow so i can't hang out all night, so i'm bored to hell. If i didn't sneak onto kristens computer i would be sitting around reading or playing pokemonm blue version, which may be the only relief i have right now, its something old, that i am used to. it hasn't changed, (well yes it has a few of the graphics are screwed up but whatever) it is comfortable and it is from the good old days when pokemon wasn't just another company grubbing for money making tons of remakes. Anyway so yeah i have no one to talk to and i wish i could have gone but that i can get over.
i have finals coming up, regents n math chem global and spanish, i have a birthday part to plan with my sister for our 16 then i need to leave for camp on the 28 to work there for 7 weeks in which time i will get no time with my firends most of which i doubt even like me(but more on that later)i get to spend my actual birthday up at camp during staff week which will be torture, really staff tortures you on your birthday and on staff week there or no campers around so there will be no safe place.
I got a physical today, found out i've grown 1/2 an inch in the last year and am now officialy 6 ft and will still have to deal with all my extended family saying "you must have grown 3 inches since i last saw you" when they see me almost once a month over the summer. and i also found out that next year or the year after i will have to start taking cholesterol tests due to my lineage.
my gf and i have been fighting more and more recently, we barely make each other happy anymore and yet still no one notices, part of my reason( a very small part) of thinking they dont like me. we get into arguements over silly things and stupid things and nothing has been working out right.
my firends, well moist of them at least, all hate me, they have for quite some time and for idk how many reasons that idk, they leave me out of everything claiming that it was a spur of the moment thing when i have heread specific people taling about it all week, they never want to be around me then when the weekend comes around you'll never guess who they are asking to have a pool part, or a movie night, or whatever then the next day they are off again. i know that someof it has to do with just stupid teenagerness but its too much to be just that.
then there is just everything else, people randomly telling me they hate me, im annoying, nobody loves me, things like that it just all masses up ontop of everything else
then just to make matters worse yesterday in english classn we had been doing to review packet. when we went over caesar she said brutus and cassius were the protagonists and antony and octavien were the antagonists, i said how? and she elaborated then later when talking about of mice and men she said "you could also say that society was the antagonist of this book" and i snickered, because that sounds just like something i would say, this whole year i have constantly expressed my pessimistic ideas about sociesty and i know that i would say that exact phrase. so i snickered, and she completly spassed out at me for "dissagreeing too much in class" this whole year i was actually haveing fun in english because i could express my ideals and when i finnaly AGree with her she spasses at me for disagreeing too much. then after class britany and Katy were telling me how hilariouse this was to them.
i have just been getting worse and worse and because there was no one cause when i WAS asked what was wrong i couldn't tell because i didn't know, and now all this is off my chest and i still don't feel any better